Hedgehogs help to reduce garden pests
Monday, February 21, 2022
Hedgehogs are frequent visitors. Hedgehogs can be found in the garden during the period from March to December. At the end of March, beginning of April the first hedgehogs wake up. This depends on the outside temperature, as soon as the temperatures rise above 12 to 15 degrees the hedgehogs become active and will start looking for food. They grunt loudly, making them almost impossible to miss. Do you still see a hedgehog in the garden in winter? This is possible, during their hibernation they wake up from time to time.
Hedgehogs are mainly seen in the late hours. When evening has fallen we can hear and sometimes even see hedgehogs as they scurry through your garden.

Hedgehogs, natural pest control
Hedgehogs are very useful! They eat almost everything in the garden. From small insects such as earthworms, beetles, snails and spiders to soft seeds. Did you know that one hedgehog can eat up to 40 snails in one night? Unfortunately, hedgehogs' habitat is getting smaller, making it harder for them to gather food together. So just before and after hibernation, it can be good to feed the hedgehogs. In this way they can survive the winter and recover quickly after the winter.
Everything for hedgehogs in the garden
The feeding of hedgehogs can be done with special hedgehog food. Please note: do not give the hedgehogs milk, this will make them sick. Our balanced Hedgehog food is composed in co-operation with a hedgehog expert. Did you know that hedgehogs love wild corners? Create a natural corner with leaf litter, branches and logs. This way, hedgehogs can find food more easily and are more likely to visit the garden.
A hedgehog house for resting, nesting and hibernating

A hedgehog house or hedgehog basket is an ideal place for hedgehogs to nest. In addition, it is also an ideal shelter and a fine place for hedgehogs to hibernate. A shelter is essential for hedgehogs, there is not everywhere a natural nesting place where they can make their nest.
Tip: place several hedgehog houses in the garden. Hedgehogs like to be on their own and often there are several hedgehogs around. This way they have their own spot.

Hedgehog house

Hedgehog basket
Help the hedgehogs with a hedgehog gate
Hedgehogs travel many miles. This can be quite dangerous if they have to cross many streets. We can make it a lot easier for hedgehogs. By placing a hedgehog gate in the fence. This makes it easier for the hedgehogs to move from one garden to another.