The hobby for everyone: Vegetable gardening! Growing and harvesting is educative and fun.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Many of the vegetables, fruits and herbs we eat can be grown in our own garden or balcony. This way you can put a surprising amount of small scale cultivation in pots and containers. It is useful that there is sun to let the vegetables grow. If necessary, your customer can use a pot on the window seat if there is more sun there.

Customers with a larger garden or terrace can choose to grow in the borders or use a vegetable garden container or grow bag. To keep track of what has been planted in which container or bag, these trendy plant markers and labels are a handy addition to the range.
Ready to harvest from June
Fruit such as apples, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries can be picked more conveniently with our picking and harvesting aids. The berries and blackberries are best collected in small trays / buckets to prevent them from being crushed if there are too many in a pile.

Harvest basket set of 3

Fruit picker
From the harvested fruit your customer can also make delicious jams or smoothies. By the way, smoothies are super fun to serve in a garden mug with a straw.

Striped cooking yarn
Herbs are hot
Having homegrown or ready-made herb plants is completely trending nowadays and seen in many households. A special herb scissor can quickly and perfectly cut all kinds of herbs and has become almost indispensable in the consumers kitchen drawer.